This package is the most simple way to equip your Macintosh Apple OSX System with Ruby - similar to the Windows Ruby One-Click Installer. It replaces the broken Readline library, updates to a current version of SQLite3 and prepares your OSX for Rails, which needs at least Ruby 1.8.4 to run. The current Ruby Version is 1.8.6 (1.8.5 is recommended for Rails) and Rubygems 0.9.4.
Also in this Package:
- SQLite3, to have the tightest ACID-compliant relational database management system available.
- Ruby/LDAP, in order to enable interfacing with LDAP-Servers via ruby-net-ldap or Active::LDAP.
- Ragel State Machine Compiler in case you plan to use SuperRedCloth or Hpricot (and others).
- Mongrel Webserver plus dependencies (daemons, fastthread, gem_plugin, rake, cgi_multipart_eof_fix), for your ultimate HTTP needs.
OSX 10.4 Tiger UB (1.2, 13,71MB)
OSX 10.3 Panther PPC (1.2, 9.53 MB)
Documentation: Genereic OSX ri, rdoc (1.2 1.62 MB)
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